Apology Letters

Apology Letter To Employee


Mr Colin,

Marketing manager,

BUY Shopping Mart,



Ms Stella,

Junior marketing manager,

BUY Shopping Mart,


Dear Ms Stella,

I, Mr Colin, am writing this letter to convey my apologies for the behaviour with which I have met you in the last few days. The thing is that there have been some rough times on my personal front and this has reflected severely on my character and behaviour in the recent times and most of the times, you were caught in the fire of vent all the irritation from me. I know this is no reason and hence I express my regret and remorse for the wrongdoing in the behavioural approach of mine.

I must appreciate the way you have calmed me and shoulder my responsibilities along with yours in these tough times for me. And instead of encouraging and appreciating you, I have blasted you off for nothing that you were responsible for. I suppose that you shall pardon me. I assure you dignity in my behaviour henceforth.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Colin

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