Apology Letters

Apology Letter for Bad Behavior

Behavior apology letters are written when your behavior is little offensive towards others. However, there are certain moments in our lives when our way of conduct or behavior is disgusting and unpleasant. Therefore, unknowingly we lose our sense of perspective and get carried away by our feelings and behave immaturely with our near ones or sometimes even with our colleagues.

Writing an apology letter for your bad behavior or for committed mistakes is actually a better and easier thing to do. An apology letter can help you in confessing your mistakes and making that person acknowledge that how sorry and responsible you are for your actions and behavior. Basically, it also helps you to convey your regrets and that you feel remorse for what you did. In addition, ensure that your apology comes across as genuine and honest as well as it can explain your side effectively through a letter.

Sample Apology Letter

Behavior Apology Letter


General Manager
Hotel Sea View
28th December, 2006.
Dear Sir,

I would like to sincerely apologize for my behavior on (27th December, 06). I can only attribute it to the high levels of stress I am facing because of my (ill-health). I know that this is not an excuse for my behavior at work. But, I request you to kindly overlook my mistake and forgive me.
I would like to reassure you that I shall not repeat such inappropriate behavior in the future.
Thank you
Keshav Rao


Apology Letter Templates

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