Credit Letters

Transferable Letter of Credit


Henry Lee

Relationship Manager

JP Morgan Bank

21 Yankee Doodle Street

Leeds 2345

United Kingdom

Dated: 15th of December 2011

Subject: Letter for transferring the credit amount

Respected Sir,

This letter is to inform you that I would like to transfer a certain amount of the credit being offered by your organization to Hot Deal Manufacturers.
I would like to make Hot Deal Manufacturers the second beneficiary for the credit approved to us for making purchase from the seller.  It will be a partial transfer of credit. Hot Deal Manufacturers will also have access to the rights and obligations to the credit facility like our organization. They will also be responsible for returning the credit amount to your bank with the interest rate.

I would be highly grateful if you could approve the transfer of credit and process it. It will be beneficial for our organization.

Thanking you,

Nathan Ben,

MD, Gas Garments Ltd.

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