22nd April 2008
Dictum Decry
2269 Chestnut Street #263
San Francisco, CA- (94123)
Mr. Johnson
Inspector of Taxes
Income Tax Department,
600 Townsend Street #140
San Francisco, CA- 94103
Dear Sir,
Re: Tax return claim for Dictum Decry
National Insurance no: 100876
I believe that I have paid some excess amount as tax in the previous years. I would like to file a request for refund of excess paid tax amount for the financial year 2006-2007. For this, I have attached the following documents along with the letter in support of my claim. Please go through these enclosures.
1.Form P60
2.Form P56
If any other additional information is needed to assist with my claim, please let me know. Also I request you to post the refundable amount (if any) to the above mentioned address. Thanking you in anticipation.
The inconvenience caused is regretted.
Yours sincerely,
Dictum Decry