Tax Letters

Tax Credit Letter

Chris Allen,

Apple Valley, 2001

California- 25631


June 04, 2011

Internal Revenue Service,

Income Tax Department,

Washington DC 90001-2001


Dear Sir,

Sub- Application for tax credit

Ref- Tax Return No.1205/ Dated March 31, 2010

With this letter I would like to urge you for the tax credit for the financial year 2010-11. I have been filing tax return regularly for last five years of employment. But due to shortage of working capital in the company I shall not be able to make payment of tax on time. Therefore, I request for the tax credit to be given me for six months.

However, I have prepared the tax return and total amount of tax comes around $2000 which I assure you to pay within six months.

I hope you will understand my need and will allow such tax credit to me. I expect positive reply for this letter.

Thank You,

Yours Truly,

Chris Allen

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