Termination Letters

Service Agreement Termination Letter

Michael Fleming,


Arizona IT Solutions Inc.

Arizona- 85612



Arizona Internet Services,

Arizona- 85621


Dear Sir,

Sub- Termination of Service Agreement

Ref- Service Agreement No. 1010201, Dated Jan 10, 2011

I hereby inform you that we do not need your internet service any longer and I am terminating the agreement that we undergone for the internet services Dated 01/10/2011. We are not happy with the services provided by you and we have faced lot of breakdowns in the internet connection since the start of services. We also requested you to sort out such frequent breakdowns in the internet services but we have not noticed any improvement in the services.

So I have decided to terminate the agreement for the internet services. If there is any due for your services you can collect the same at any time during the office hours from our head office. I expect early reply to this letter from your side.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Fleming

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