Sympathy Letters

Sample Sympathy Letter


Richard Arnold,

#33, Crowborough,

East Sussex,

Southern Street

London, TN6

Subject: Sympathy Letter sent on account of illness

Dear Mr. Richard,

I tried reaching your office phone today and was told that you are on leave as you have been diagnosed with Cancer and are undergoing several treatments. I was in fact quite shocked to know my friend that you have been detected with Cancer. I express my sincere sympathy for your ailment and hope that you will come out healthy after all the treatments that you are undergoing right now.

Even my wife was deeply grieved to hear about you and joins me in praying for your well being and speedy recovery. We also pray that Almighty may give the strength and courage to your family to face this situation of crisis boldly. Please ask your wife and children to be in touch with me or my wife for any kind of assistance. In case you need any assistance in going to the hospital for treatments or medication etc, please feel free to contact me or my wife. We will be more than glad to provide you the needed help.

Hoping that you will get well soon.

Yours sincerely,

Edward Gambell.



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