Agreement Letters

Sample Sole Agent Agreement Letter


Managing Director,

ABC House Developing Company,

Log Angeles-101010



Dear Sir,

The agreement is made between ABC House Developing Company and Sweet Home Agency on 3/10/2011 for appointing Sweet Home Agency as the sole agent for the ABC House Developing Company for selling the houses constructed by the ABC House Developing Company.

We have been appointed as the sole agent for your company for selling houses which have been built by you. We must have to sell at least five houses in a month.

For doing this you will pay us our fees which has been regarded as the commission in the original agreement between.  The commission will be directly deducted by us from the selling price of the house. If we are not able to achieve the target in a month, then you will charge 10% penalties on our commission.

We are glad to inform you that we are agreed to all terms and conditions of the agreement and we are ready to act as sole agent for your company from the mentioned date in the agreement.

If you are agreed to all the terms then sign the duplicate copy this letter and send it to us.


Sweet Home Agency,

Michael Hardy


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