Joe Mathew
19/20, Park Road
Chicago, IL
23rd January 2012
Dear Mr. Mathew,
Subject: Information about Job Vacancy
I, Rachel Johns, am writing this job letter to make you aware about the opening for HR Executive at our firm, Shine Enterprises Ltd. We are looking for a candidate with a post graduation degree in management studies specializing in the field of Human Resource. Though we are considering freshers, however, a candidate with relevant experience would be given preference.
While looking for candidates for this position, we came across your profile on the ABC job portal which seems quite suitable as per our requirement.
Our recruitment team would like to meet you in person for a round of interview for this position. The interview has been scheduled for the 27th of January, 10 am. You are requested to reach our office on time. You may contact us at 012345678 for further clarifications.
Sheron Dawson
Manager HR