Invitation Letters

Sample Invitation Letter


Jack Harrison,

Pristine Work Ltd.,

Wisconsin 53440


Troy Hall,

New Jersey 07880

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that your sample order is ready at our workshop and you are cordially invited to have a look and give us your opinion for any further changes if any.  We are happy to inform you that this has been made within the time frame you have specified strictly.  Sample is very much as per your description, details, design and also have possibility to include more features if there is any need from your end.

We are here to assist you in getting at our place, and you can contact us on our corporate numbers or individual numbers, which you have been provided before.  Any further arrangement required by your colleagues will also be entertained provided it is being known to us in advance.

I hope to see you soon at our workshop.  We will wait for your presence to be felt along with your colleagues for a brief meeting after inspection.

Yours Truly,

Jack Harrison

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