Credit Letters

Sample Credit Letter


Ken West

Credit Department Head

Finance Bank of Credit

1 Aspen High Road,

New Hampshire 6789

United Kingdom.

Subject: Credit to make complete payment to the seller

Respected Sir,

This letter is to inform you that our organization would like your financial organization to stand as guarantor of the partial amount for the purchase made from the seller.

Our organization, Real Steel Manufacturers specializes in making steel products from raw iron and iron ore. We need to purchase iron from various suppliers and it sometimes becomes difficult to make complete payment to the seller. So, we would like you to provide us credit and make partial payment of the selling amount. We are aware about the interest rate charged by your organization and ready to bear that.

I would request you to approve the credit . I am also attaching few documents stating the profile of our company.

Thanking you,

Brett Lee,

Manager, Real Steel Manufacturers

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