Certification Letters

Sample Certification Letter of Employment


Mr. Kevin Miller

#124, Wakefield Street

Dallas, Texas

To whom it may concern:

Subject: Certification Letter

Dear Mr. Miller

This letter certifies that Mr. Kevin Miller has worked with us for around 4.5 years and has contributed towards the growth of the organization during his tenure. It was a very good experience working with such a hardworking person.

Mr. Miller joined us in September 2007 as trainee, but then keeping his efforts into consideration he was promoted to be network executive in November 2007. He was first placed in the Network Monitoring department, but then when some hardworking people were required for a new project in BSS, he was transferred there. His contribution in that project was great.

It was a pleasure working with Kevin, and all the best to you for his future. I am sure a bright future is waiting ahead for him.


Mr. Thomas Anderson


Garcia Networks & Telecom

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