Contract Letters

Notification of Audit


Dear Sirs:

I hereby wish to inform you that our internal audit team will be conducting an audit on the project execution system of your company on October 28, 2010.

The purpose of this audit is to examine and review your capability to execute the proposed contract we intend to award you.

I am sure this exercise will be useful to your company besides us.  There should be no restriction or limitation on the scope of this audit and in whatsoever circumstances, the internal audit staff shall have unrestricted access to all company records, property and personnel.

The audit is scheduled to take approximately two weeks to complete and should there be any weakness in the system, we will discuss them with you together with our recommendations.

In order for us to work as efficiently as possible, it is understood that your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Enclosed herewith is the Scope of Audit for your information.

Thanks and regards,

Download Notification of Audit

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