Credit Letters

Letter of Credit


Elvis Presley,

Branch Manager

Reserve Bank of London

14 Chaplin Charlie Road,

London 2378

United Kingdom.

Subject: Credit to guarantee payment to the seller

Respected Sir,

This letter is to apply for credit from your financial institution for the purchases made from our vendors.

We, at Oliver Manufacturers buy readymade clothes from various vendors. We have plans to extend our company and as a result have made lots of investments for that. Even the market last year was low, so the profit was not as high compared to previous years. Thus, we would require credit to make immediate payment to the vendors or else they may refuse to supply the products.

We are ready to accept the interest rate on the installments that we will have to pay you in order to return the credit.

It would be great for our business if you process the above request.

Thanking you,

Jane Austen

Oliver Manufacturers

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