Leave Letters

Leave Application Email


Subject: Request of leave for 5 days.

Respected Sir,

I, Michael Adams, sincerely request you to grant me leave for 5 days for my sister’s marriage.

I am having many responsibilities with the project work and so I am mailing you my leave request before a month’s time. I humbly request you to grant me leave from 21st April to 25th April. I will complete the project before the target date of 14th April, which has been provided by you. I am the only child of my parents and thus I have lot of arrangements to make for my sister’s marriage. I will hand over the project testing work to Mr. Leo of our team after completing all the management work of the project. He will be looking on the same for few days.

Hope you understand and approve my leave for these days. Thanks in advance.


Michael Adams,

Team Leader, Cisco Projects Pvt. Ltd.

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