Order Letters

Hotel Order Letter


Mr Luke George

General Manager,

George Group of Hotels Ltd

54-Kennignton Road, London

15th May, 2012

Subject: hotel order letter

Dear Sir,

I wish to order the booking of a non-smoking deluxe room in your hotel from 20th May, 2012 to 28th May, 2012. This booking has to be done for four people that are myself, my wife and our two kids. We have heard a lot about the world class services your hotel offers to its customers. Thus please confirm our booking at the earliest. Towards the payment please find attached the details of my credit card, along with its expiry date, to make the payment process completed.

Kindly see if we can get some early booking discounts, if any. Thanking you in advance for you needful and earnest action in this regard. Kindly make the reservation and send me the confirmation at the earliest.

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

William Callus. G

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