Appreciation Letters

Event Appreciation Letter


Mr. Joe Lamar

7833 Morrison Lane,


July 23, 2012

Subject: Appreciation letter for conducting Autism Walk, 2012

Dear Mr. Lamar,

On behalf of Berkshire Parents of Autistic Children, I would like to thank you for holding the Autism Walk, 2012 involving parents and children with autism from all over the county. The event was a grand success as it not only raised awareness among people, but also helped us to bond with other parents who have autistic children. Such kind of positive stimulus is very important for children and we are happy that both adults and children found the event enjoyable and productive.

What makes me happy is that you encouraged the assimilation of children with no disability and autistic children to walk together and participate in the later events. This awareness and acceptance by society and the future generation is the need of the hour and I think your organization did it effortlessly because you always do what you truly believe in. I hope more events of this nature are held in the future so that more and more people can be aware of this condition and there is assimilation between children with disability and those without it.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Martha Rose Jennings

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