Employment Letters

Employment Authorization Letter


Abby Lee

HR Manager

Genesis Limited

56 Tango Charlie Street

Brooklyn City, Iowa 7845

Dated: 2nd of March 2012

Subject: Letter for employment authorization

Respected Mr. Lee,

This letter is to authorize that Mr. Steve Care has been an employee of our organization, Diesel Industries Limited. He was working in the position of assistant sales manager from the period 12th of May 2007 to 20th of February 2012.

Mr. Steve Care has fulfilled all his tasks and has met our complete satisfaction. He has always been an excellent employee and very hard working. There has not been a single month when he did not met his sales target. He has also been a good team leader inspiring his team members to exceed the given sales target and bring revenue for the company.  During his tenure he has also received number of awards for his performance.

In case if you need any other information please feel free to call me on 00-987-8787-778

Yours sincerely,

Neil Diamond

Administration Department Head

Diesel Industries Limited

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