Dr. Andrew Claire
Claire Health Clinic
Eleven Streets, fourth floor
County Durham
Rochester, Kent
12 June 2010
Subject: Doctor permission letter
Dear Dr. Claire
One of your patients has come to our massage parlour to get the massage treatment done from our massage therapist. The patient is getting his treatment for some minor spinal cord ailment from your clinic. We would like to get your permission for the massage therapy from our clinic. Please do let us know all the details of the patient, along with your permission that you do not have any objection in the massage treatment for the patient.
Please do send us the reports related to the treatment so that we can take all the necessary precaution while the massage treatment. If you have any specific instructions for this patient, than let us know the details. Send us the signed permission letter copy along with the other reports.
Thanking you
James Kevin Joseph
WellBeing Massage Centre.