Condolence Letters

Condolence letter thank you

August 2, 2010

Mr. Paul and Pam Thompson


Buckinghamshire, MK19 1EG

Dear Paul and Pam,

My father’s untimely death was such a shock to me and my family.  We are still in deep grief over his death but we are making it through because of kind, comforting words from friends like you.  Thank you so much for the sympathy letter you sent me.  Although you were not able to personally attend dad’s wake and burial, I felt your warm presence the entire time.

It has been a week since dad’s burial and our family is slowly trying to move on with our lives through the pain of losing dad.  We are getting on by remembering good times with dad, and hearing stories about him through his close friends like you.  The stories you shared about dad have reminded us that his memory will live on through the lives he has touched.

Again, thank you for condoling with us.

Warm Regards,

Mark Evans

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