Charity Letters

Charity Sponsor Letter


Mary Johnson


ABC Services Ltd,

Austin, Texas

20th Feb 2012

Subject: Request for sponsorship for university education

Dear Ms. Johnson,

I would like to introduce myself as John Parker studying Bio-Technology at the ABC University. I belong to a poor family and have managed to get a seat at this esteemed university after putting in a lot of hard work.

A friend of mine shared that you sponsor poor students who cannot afford to pay for their courses but are willing to study further. I am therefore, writing this letter to seek financial support from you. I would be highly grateful to you if you provide fund for my education. I assure you that I would study with utmost dedication and do complete justice to the help provided by you. I have always been sincere in my studies; as a proof I have attached all my mark sheets and certificates that may be of help for you while taking a decision.

I anticipate a positive response from you.

Thanks and Regards,

John Parker

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