Charity Letters

Charity Solicitation Letter


Janet Leigh

23 Belvedere Estates


Subject: Charity Solicitation Letter

Respected Madam,

This letter is to inform you that a charity auction shall be held on the 23rd of May 2012 in the Grand Ballroom of the Tulip Hotel at 19:00 hours. The proceedings from the auction shall go towards meeting the needs of malnourished children in the slums around Brighton. We thus request your gracious presence at the occasion, and we hope that in lieu of your long association with our charitable organization, you shall be willing to make a small contribution to this cause.

We would be delighted with any contribution that you make, and we shall ensure that you are given a detailed report on the use of the money generated from the auction. We pride ourselves on our token efforts, and we hope that this shall remain the case for many years to come.

Thanking you,

Jason Hart,

Executive Head

“US” Charitable Organization

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