Certification Letters

Certification Letter Template


_______________ (Write down the name of the person/group/organization that is to be certified)

_______________ (Specify his/ her designation, if applicable)

________________ (Mention the name of the department he/ she works in, if applicable)

________________ (Mention the name of the company/ institute to which he/ she belongs, if applicable)

________________ (Mention the complete address of the person or the address of the company he/ she belongs to, whichever is applicable)

________________ (Write down the date on which this letter is being sent)

Subject: __________________ [Write down the purpose of writing the letter in not more than one sentence]

Dear ______________ [name of the recipient]

This is to certify that _________ [name of the person who has been certified] has been working with us since the last two years.

He bears a good moral character and is very hardworking and dedicated towards his work. He is specifically good at ______ [mention the qualities of the person concerned]

Thanks and Regards,

_____________________ (Write down the name of the person writing the letter)

______________________ (Write down the designation of the person writing the letter)

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