Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter of Lover


Helen Hunt

12 West Dale Lane,

London, United Kingdom.

Dated: 15th of December 2011


It gives me immense pleasure that my love has completed one more year of her life. I wish you a very Happy Birthday on this special occasion.

You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life. I still remember the first day I had seen you, it was on this same day three years back. I still remember those pretty eyes, those flowing hair and that pretty face. After three years you still have those pretty eyes and smile. Every moment of my life is surrounded by you and you are always there on my mind.

I would like to give you thousand of kisses and hundred warm hugs as your birthday gift. On this special day I pray to God that our love remains eternal and that you get all the happiness in the world.

With lots of love,

Keith Hudson.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to a Daughter


Mimi Rogers,

Sky Rise Apartments,

23 Grant Road,

Leeds, United Kingdom.

Dear Daughter,

I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day. You have been the best daughter a father could have asked for.

I still remember the day you were born when I first held you in my arms at the hospital. You were this little adorable angel. That was the happiest day of my life. I have been a proud father since then. I still remember your first birthday celebrations when I had held your hands and helped you to cut the birthday cake. Twenty five years have passed since then, but we still share the same bonding.

As a father I wish for your long life and a great future ahead. You may achieve success in whatever field you pursue. May all the happiness in the world be yours.

-Your loving father,

Jimmy Rogers.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to Father


Don Brad

12 Aspen High Road,

York Shire 6789

United Kingdom.

Dearest Father,

Your loving son would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day. May this wonderful day be filled with lots of celebration and happiness.

I am blessed to have a father like you in my life. You have not only been a great father but also my best friend. You have always made me feel protected by being there for me whenever I needed you. You have given me all the luxuries that I have asked for. Whatever I do for you will never match up for all that you have done for me.

Sending you all my love and best wishes on this special day. I pray for your long and healthy life. On this special day, I promise to be there with you always. Have a blast…

Your son,

Rick Brad.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to Friend


Tom Hanks,

67 Yankee Doodle Street

New Hampshire, UK.

Dated: 10th of November 2011

Dear Friend,

Best wishes on this special day and many happy returns of the day. May you have such fun filled birthdays for years to come.

I still remember the birthdays of yours when we were in school. You used to distribute candies and I used to get most of them. Now candies have been replaced by amazing parties, and I am always the first person to be invited to your birthday. Our friendship has always been strong and I wish that the bond keeps growing stronger with each passing year and we keep partying hard on every birthday.

I pray for your good health on this special day. I also wish that success kisses your feet and you achieve whatever you want to in life.

Your best friend,

Roger Moore

12 Aspen High Road,

New Hampshire, UK.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to Husband


Robin Smith

West Side Buildings,

123 Rain Maker Street

London 5678

United Kingdom.

Dear Hubby,

This birthday letter is for the best husband in the world. I would like to wish you a happy long life on your thirty fifth birthday. You are my better half and the best thing in my life.

Your birthdays have always been a special occasion in my life. Every year I eagerly wait for this special day. It gives me joy to think that after marriage you have celebrated all your birthdays with me. I would always like to be the first person to wish you on this day.

You have always been there for me and I would like to wish that we spend thousand more years together. May this birthday of yours bring lots of joy and love in our married life and we stick to each other celebrating each other’s birthday.

Your loving wife,

Linda Smith.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to Mother


Leona John

12 Aspen High Road,

York Shire 6789

United Kingdom.

Dearest Mother,

Your loving son would like to wish you Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day.

Your birthdays remind me of all the years of love and care that you given to me since I was born. I know that you made a number of sacrifices for my happiness and worked hard so that I can live a comfortable life.  I still remember the day when you would always be there whenever I was in distress and held me tightly making me feel that I am not alone. I am really blessed to have a mother like you in my life.

I wish that you get to celebrate one hundred more such birthdays. I also wish for your good health so that you are always there for me whenever I feel weak and give me strength.

Your loving son,

Robin John.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter Format


Name [name of the recipient]

Apartment name [name of the residential building or apartment along with the apartment number]

Street address [street name along with street number]

City [name of the city]

Subject [mention the subject which is usually to give birthday wishes]

Date [date on which the letter is being written]

Dear [name of the recipient. If the recipient is related you can mention the relation and if it is a formal birthday letter you have to give the appropriate salutation]

1st paragraph: [in the first paragraph mention that you want to wish the person a very happy birthday and give him greetings]

2nd paragraph: [in the second paragraph mention that what do you want the person to achieve on his birthday or you can advise him how to celebrate his birthday]

3rd paragraph: [in the third paragraph give him blessings and best wishes]


Name [name of the sender]

Address [address of the sender]

Birthday Letters

Sample Birthday Letter


Lee cooper

High Rise Buildings

12 Tango Charlie Road

London 4567

United Kingdom.

Dear Cooper,

I would like to wish many happy returns of the day and congratulate you for completing another year on this planet. I regret that I could not attend your birthday in person so to compensate that I am writing this letter to you conveying my birthday wishes.

I believe that you must have planned a great party on this day with amazing cuisine and beautiful eye catching decorations. Today is the day when you have the freedom to do anything, but whatever you do in future I advise you to choose to do it carefully. Don’t think that by the arrival of this day you have one year lesser to live but think that you lived one more year filled with rich experiences.

I wish you all the best for your future and may you keep celebrating years of happiness.


John Smith.

Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter


Jane Austen,

Miranda Apartments,

Flat no. 103,

234 Rocky Road

Bela Ware 5678


Dear Jane,

I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day. This letter is coming all the way from my heart to convey my best wishes.

Being, your friend it is impossible to forget your birthday. I wish that I was there to celebrate your birthday party. I am unable to make it due to work related issues. I apologize for missing your birthday party. I still wish a bright future for you. I also wish that you keep celebrating your birthday party like this for next one hundred years.

I wish you all the best, for this special day and may you be showered with all the happiness in this world on this day. I hope my letter has compensated for my absence on your birthday party.

Yours friend,

Harry Brown.