Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter to a Daughter


Mimi Rogers,

Sky Rise Apartments,

23 Grant Road,

Leeds, United Kingdom.

Dear Daughter,

I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day. You have been the best daughter a father could have asked for.

I still remember the day you were born when I first held you in my arms at the hospital. You were this little adorable angel. That was the happiest day of my life. I have been a proud father since then. I still remember your first birthday celebrations when I had held your hands and helped you to cut the birthday cake. Twenty five years have passed since then, but we still share the same bonding.

As a father I wish for your long life and a great future ahead. You may achieve success in whatever field you pursue. May all the happiness in the world be yours.

-Your loving father,

Jimmy Rogers.

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