Birthday Letters

Birthday Letter of Lover


Helen Hunt

12 West Dale Lane,

London, United Kingdom.

Dated: 15th of December 2011


It gives me immense pleasure that my love has completed one more year of her life. I wish you a very Happy Birthday on this special occasion.

You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life. I still remember the first day I had seen you, it was on this same day three years back. I still remember those pretty eyes, those flowing hair and that pretty face. After three years you still have those pretty eyes and smile. Every moment of my life is surrounded by you and you are always there on my mind.

I would like to give you thousand of kisses and hundred warm hugs as your birthday gift. On this special day I pray to God that our love remains eternal and that you get all the happiness in the world.

With lots of love,

Keith Hudson.

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