Birthday Letters

Birthday Dinner Invitation Letter


Anthony Walt

123 Main Park Street

House Number- 34

Buckingham, UK

9th August 2012

Dear Anthony,

As I am writing to you, my heart is filled with a feeling of joy and excitement. Me and all my family members are in the pink of our health and hope the same with you all.

I am glad to inform you that my son would be happily completing his 5 years, this Monday. I am so pleased to invite you on the 5th birthday party celebrations of my son. Your presence with your family is deeply requested on this celebration.

Regarding birthday party, we are scheduling it to be held in our own house. The party celebrations would start from 6:00 PM and would stretch to the midnight. There are special arrangements and exciting games for little kids. There would be a dress code for the party night and that would be a combination of black and blue. The celebrations would be accompanied by a DJ dance competitions, snacks, drinks and dinner.

We are eagerly looking forward for your joyful presence at the birthday party celebration. You are requested to grace the evening along with your family members.

Thanking you.

Yours lovingly,

George Williams

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