Termination Letters

Apartment Lease Termination Letter

James Smith,

Owner of Orange Cottage,

5263, Atlantic Beach,



June 03, 2011

John Johnson,

5264, Atlantic Beach,



Dear Mr. Smith,

Sub- Termination of Apartment Lease

Ref- Lease Agreement No. 12321, Dated May 10, 2010.

With this letter I would like to inform you that our lease agreement on Orange Cottage is getting terminated on this June 10, 2011.  I would also like to inform you that I will not be able to renew the lease again as I need to renovate the house. It has been so long since I had renovated my house I think this is the right time to renovate so that I can extend the life of Orange Cottage for many more years.

As a result, you need to vacant the house after the termination of lease agreement. I thought that it would be better to give prior intimation of termination so that you could find another house for yourself.

I would also like to thank you for taking care of my house during the lease as like your house.

Thank You,

Yours Truly,

James Smith

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