Application Letters

Accountant application letter

Mr. Anthony Johnson

111 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

April 9, 2010

Mr. Robert Hopkins

Human Resources Officer

Pittsburgh Bank

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I found out through an advertisement you released in the local newspaper last week that your company is looking for an accountant.  I fit the qualifications you have posted and I would like to apply for the said position.

I graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from a prestigious university.  Soon after, I was employed for five years as an accountant at a local bank where I was cited as Accountant of the Year for two consecutive years.  I have also attended several trainings in the field of accountancy which have advanced my skills and knowledge about the job.

I have attached my resume for your reference.  Allow me to discuss my credentials personally at your convenient time.  I may be reached at (412) 355 6111.

Thank you.


Anthony Johnson

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