Thank you Letters

Thank You Letter For Appreciation

March 18, 2010

Mr. R. Thomson

Chief General Manager,

Worldwide Bank Ltd.,

44 Mayfair Colony,

Anyland, TX

Dear Mr. Thomson,

I take this opportunity to thank you for the letter of appreciation of my overall performance at work. After two years of hard work and rigorous brainstorming, I succeeded in bringing a change in your organization. I thank you for giving me the chance to market the products and brands of this company. It was my success to be able to live up to your expectations.

The appreciation has boosted my confidence as well as augmented my respect for the company. I am unable to put words to my feeling of gratitude and esteem for your personal efforts behind my success as a brand manager of your organization. Thank you having faith in me and appreciating my worth in your esteemed organization.

Yours Sincerely,

Katherine Bloomwood,

Sr. Brand Manager,

Worldwide Bank Ltd.

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