Termination Letters

Tenancy Termination Letter

Dear Mr. Marley,

I write to inform you that your tenancy contract with me will now be terminated on July 25, 2010. The reason for this is because it is the period stated in the contract and I opt not to renew it anymore.

I know that you have been a good tenant in my property and that you have shown care and concerns to my property however everything has really come to an end as I am preparing my property to be transmitted to my son who had just been married last month. He chooses to stay and live here with me for good.

I do hope that you understand my decision and you humbly accept it. To acknowledge your concern to my property I have given you 45 days before the actual date to vacate the said property to look for a new property where you can start again and settle for good. I do believe that the 45 days period is enough.

Thank you.

Truly yours,

Mr. Alex Aaron

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