Recommendation Letters

Teacher Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with joy and honor that I write this recommendation letter for a former history teacher in my department, Mrs. Lovely Ceas-Bisana. Mrs. Bisana specialized in teaching medieval history to high school students in the University of Mizrahi for three years.

In the span of three years, Mrs. Bisana has reflected outstanding knowledge and mastery in the subject. She is known for her various achievements in the field of teaching and in her contributions in the history department’s popularity and success.

Mrs. Bisana is known to provide an individualized approach in educating her students in order to bring out the best in them, inside and outside the classroom. She utilized state of the art educational equipment and groundbreaking methodologies and incorporates them with the conventional methods of teaching to provide her students with the best learning experience.

Mrs. Bisana also served as a mentor for a great number of students. She possesses as friendly, welcoming attitude, which allows her students to bond with her instantly. I believe that she will be an asset to your University as she has been in ours.


Mr. David Montreal

Director of History, UM

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