Farewell Letters

Retirement Farewell Letter


John Woo

Chief Executive Officer

Roger Manufacturing Limited

23 Ask Where Road,

New York, New Jersey 4890

Dated: 23rd of February 2012

Subject: Letter to bid farewell

Dear Mr. Woo,

It is very sad that my journey in this organization has come to an end as I am retiring from my position of a Sales Manager on 1st of March 2012.

I have completed twenty years in this organization and it has been the best twenty years of my professional life. This organization has given me a lot of happiness and satisfaction in my career. I would cherish this twenty year journey for the rest of my life. I have to retire as I have realized that it is high time I spend quality time with my family and watch my grandchildren grow up.

I will always remain thankful to this organization. I would request you to convey my regards to all the members of this organization. Wishing best of luck for the growth of the organization.

Thanking you,

Bob Woolmer

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