Farewell Letters

Farewell Letters

A Farewell letter is a polite gesture which communicates your thoughts and feelings as you are leaving a work-place, a neighborhood or friends.  It is one way of showing that you cared about the people you were with.

Farewell letters are informal letters and must be written in a warm and friendly tone.  They can be addressed to one individual or a group.

It is wrong to assume that farewell letters should be long and sentimental.  Depending on the familiarity of your relationship, keep the letters light-hearted and positive.

It is good to explain in short, the reasons for your leaving.  It is also a good time to recount the happy times you spent together or the experience you gained by serving together.  Take the opportunity to thank the person/s for their contribution whether it was on a personal or professional level.

Farewell letters generally include new contact details.  At this juncture, it is a good idea to express your wish to continue to keep in touch.

Farewell Letter

Sample Farewell Letter

Farewell Letter Format

Farewell Letter Template

Farewell letter to Employer

Sample Farewell Resignation Letter

Farewell Invitation Letter

Formal Farewell Letter/Employment Farewell Letter

Farewell Letter to Work Colleagues

Employment farewell letter

Farewell letter to friend

Farewell letter to mother

Farewell letter to father

Farewell letter to organization

Farewell letter to teacher

Farewell letter to staff

Funny Farewell Letter

Farewell Letter to Colleague

Farewell Letter to Boss

Farewell Letter to Manager

Farewell Letter to Client

 Farewell Employee Letter

Farewell Letter to Coworkers

Farewell Thank You Letter

Farewell Letter to Colleagues

Retirement Farewell Letter

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