Agreement Letters

Real Estate Lease Agreement Letter


Mr Gibson,

DLFR Real Estate,



Mr Stevenson,

RTS Constructions Ltd,


Dear Mr Stevenson,

This is our first official talk after the acceptance of proposal for leasing the Seven Bungalow Plot to your construction firm. The agreement for the lease of the land has to be put into effect in order to make the official and legal confirmation of the deal between the two firms. There are certain parameters which have to be taken into account before entering the agreement phase of this lease deal. These have been listed in the documents enclosed along with this letter.

We wish to put forward our preferences and recommendations for the clauses of the lease agreement. We wish to know the preferences from your side and hence it would be ideal for both the sides to contemplate upon the clauses at the earliest. We are expecting for your reply in this context, so that further development shall take place at a desired pace. Looking forward to healthy business relations,

Yours faithfully,

Mr Gibson

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