Appreciation Letters

Letter of Appreciation Example

December 12, 2009

Mark Nelson

34  Wallace Street, Bloomsdale

Colorado Spring CO

Dear Mr. Squeaker

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I sincerely appreciate the effort you spent for assessing my career goals and the recommended strategies you gave me in order to achieve them. Your advices were very helpful and it gave me a new perspective on other available opportunities.

I am very grateful for the connection that you gave me in your network. I am planning to make a follow up with the contacts you have emailed to me. I will also use the different online resources that you have suggested for my job search.

If you still have any suggestions or recommendations, you can just call me over the phone or simply send me an email.

Again, I thank you for your help and consideration. I greatly appreciate the support and encouragement you have provided me.

Best regards,

John Dough

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