Legal Letters

Legal Definition Letter


Austin Fernandez,

New Age Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.,

7th Avenue, Central Park

New Jersey 06553


Jordan Ketchup,

OxyRich Mineral Water Ltd.,

New Jersey 03667

Dear Mr. Jordan,

I, Austin Fernandez, owner of New Age Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., would like to bring to your knowledge about the agreement your organization has entered on February 2011.  Since your company is in business deal with our organization for supply of chemicals to your production unit of mineral water at 44th Road, Jackson Industrial Park, there is no legal binding for us if there is any case against your company for using substandard chemicals.

We are also not going to entertain any legal case posted against you by any group or individual for any faulty mineral water production.  We also will not be liable for any hazardous cause to human life while consuming your mineral water.

I hope your company has understood every aspect of this legal definition in its entirety and wholesome.  If there are any issues still not understood, your company is welcome to make us aware within the stipulated time period as mentioned in the signed agreement.

Yours Truly,

Austin Fernandez

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