Sample Fax cover letter template word
Diana Merchant
43/56, Down street
Phoenix, AZ 678987
Juana agrieas
CEO, CD Paper mart & co.
345 C, Wall Street
Seattle, WA
Dear Ms Juana agrieas:
I the under signed am an information technologist, and am proposing a business solution. The proposal is in the form of a PPT presentation. From the statistics gathered I have come to know that your industry is lagging behind in software systems used for decision making, as this is the right time for me to propose the solution I request you to kindly go through the rough estimation of using DSS. The decision support systems available in our company are affordable to use with no extra costs. I can offer you the Nero CD toolkit at a very low price compared to the market price. This kit will scan the CD’s, increase the transfer rate from the buffer of the CD and can monitor it 24/7. Kindly go through the estimations and oblige.
Yours sincerely
Diana Merchant
(MIS Merchandiser)