Ms. Liza Hudson,
34/ I, Block: 11, Wing- South C
Spencer Street, Elisabeth Park
New York, U.S.A
Date: May 5th, 2012
My Dear Liza,
I am writing to express my love and emotions for you. The moment you came into my life, you have changed me completely. Every single thing that happens to me after your arrival turns my life on with joy and cheerful moments. My life seems to be perfect with you as the cherish moments I enjoy with you makes me more passionate about my life. I feel that I am incomplete without you.
You are my first love and you taught me how to give love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. I feel happy and enthusiastic whenever I meet you and I talk to you.
Let me tell you that you are the true love of my life and I want to spend my whole life with you!
Thank you so much for loving me!
Only Yours,
Adam Atkinson