Credit Letters

Credit Letter Format


Name [name of the recipient]

Designation [designation in which the recipient is working in the organization]

Name [name of the organization]

Address [the address of the organization]

Date [the date on which this letter is being written]

Subject [write the exact subject for which the letter is being written]

Dear Sir/ Madam [write the appropriate way of addressing the recipient]

First paragraph: [The first paragraph should state the purpose for which for which the sender is writing the letter. If the sender is writing on behalf of an organization, he should state the name of the organization.

Second paragraph: [In the second paragraph the sender gives details about the financial transaction that he is making for which he requires credit and also the name of the seller]

Third paragraph: [In this paragraph the sender will show gratitude and request for the credit to be approved]

Thanking you,

Name [write the name of the sender]

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