Cover Letters

Cover Letter Example

Date: 24 April 2009

John Smith

Director and Owner

City Bank of Elms
32 S Riverview,
14 Three Elms field,
Garby Stourling, GN 68302
(914) 555-2909

Dear Dr. Smith:


Dear Mr. Clarke,

I am interested in applying as an investment analyst for the City Bank of Elms. I learned about the opening through the local paper’s classified ads last Sunday. I heard lot of positive feedbacks and descriptions about your company through the internet, magazines and newspapers and that inspired me to pursue my career under your management. Moreover, I see that my qualifications fit your requirements.

I took my degree of Bachelor of Science Degree in Banking and Finance from the London University. I am currently working as an Investment Banking Analyst at Wells Fargo Investment Bank, for the last four years. I consider that my education, skills, knowledge and experience match with your requirements for this position. Details can be further seen and examined on my resume.

I look forward to meeting you for an interview any day and time this week. You can contact me through (692) 810 3810 or email me at Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.



Jack Thomas

Enclosure Resume.

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