Contract Letters

Contract Renewal Recommendation Letter


Daniel Watson


Flow Enterprises Limited

New York

7th September 2012

Subject: Contract renewal recommendation letter

Respected Mr. Daniel,

I am writing this letter in reference to the contract that was made between Flow Enterprises Limited and Fortune Industries, dated 1st September 2011. The term of this contract is due to expire on 1st October 2012. I am writing to recommend you for the renewal of the same.

The contract was signed and made for a period of 1 year and 1 month. There is a provision of extending the contract for the period of next 5years. I am therefore writing to recommend you to renew this contract as I am sure that the contract that was made has been a success for both the organisation.

Kindly confirm us my sending a reply to this letter whether you are agreeing in the renewal of the noted contract. To avoid any disruptions in the services of our clients, we would appreciate an early response from your side, no later than 20th September 2012. Please do the needful at your earliest convenience and contact us on 38293292 for any further information.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Jacob David


Fortune Industries

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