Certification Letters

Certification Letter Law School


Admission Cell

St. Peters Law School

E-564, Forest Lane

San Francisco, CA

Date: 17th December 2011

Subject: Certification Letter for law school

Dear Admission Team

This letter is in reference to my application for admission in your prestigious law school. I have submitted an online application for the admission.

I hereby, certify that all the information that I have provided is complete and true as per my knowledge. I also certify that every information provided about myself in my admission form is written by me and I understand, if any information is found out to be false, it will lead to rejection of my admission form.

I understand that my admission in the school will be based on the fulfillment of all the admission formalities mentioned in the admission form.

I also deny any violation of law and certify that I don’t possess any sort of criminal record.


Mr. George Clooney

Admission form number 44576

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