Friendship Letters

Best Friendship Letter

Dear Best friend,

Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing fine out there. I wrote because I miss you, my best friend. I never heard from you since we part ways a couple of weeks that is why I am writing this letter to you.

Things are going fine here, as everyone is very excited on my new car. See it in the pictures I enclosed here. Dude, how I wish you were here to ride with my new baby. It is red and packs a lot of power and when you step on its acceleration, wow! You can feel the adrenaline rush dude!

There is nothing new about me but my car, I know you love cars too so I share to you this. I am really excited to hear from you. I just wish you drop by in our town so you check my car and we could hang out again.

I know it’s hard when you are thousands of miles away but, just give it a try, ok? I hope to see you soon dude. Take care!

Your best friend,


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