Apology Letters

Apology letter to mother

Mr. Oliver Hall

1000 Main Street
Irvine, California 92614

December 20, 2010

Ms. Olga Hall

80 North Laura Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Dearest mother,

How are you and dad doing?  I hope my letter will ease the disappointment you must be feeling after I called you to say that I will not be able to go home for Christmas holidays.

I am so sorry to miss the family dinner on Christmas eve this year.  I have a ton of requirements to finish before the year ends and I could not afford to have a vacation this year.  I will simply spend Christmas eve with friends here and then go back to the college campus to work on my project and other documents I must submit on the first week of January.  Don’t worry, this is but a small sacrifice for us to make so that I finish my studies soon.  I know you will be delighted come graduation day and I will do my best to graduate with honors.  I will miss you all!



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