Recommendation Letters

Sales Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

After the start of the worldwide financial depression, there was a wide spread decrease of sales transactions everywhere in the world except for a few enterprises which had weathered the financial storm. I know your precious company was one of those who were not fortunate enough to do so and it was with the intention of saving your business venture that I am making this recommendation.

I have engaged with the services of this company when I was still with the retail and trade business. Having them enabled my business to stay on its toes and to land on some top revenue projects. This was done by their sales force that is excellent in the field of marketing. In fact, if I have not decided to change trade, I will still be engaging their services today. With all the excellent results that I have achieved in sales during those times, I was still collaborating with them until today. I will not hesitate to endorse the company to you in the hope of increasing your sales volume.

I hope this personal sales recommendation will help you greatly in your future business and personal endeavor.


Aldrin Smith

Trade Secretary

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