Hardship Letters

Hardship Letter to Creditors

Hardship letters are sent to creditors to explain payment delinquency and financial situations. Here is an example of a hardship letter to creditors.

August 23, 2009

Name: Tara Banks

Address:  11 Fareway Avenue, Tucson, AZ

Mortgage Company: L Mortgage Company

Loan no.: 345-00000

To Whom It May Concern:

The economic downturn has caused my company to reduce its workforce and I was unfortunately laid off. I struggled for a few months to keep up with my mortgage payments and was also affected with a bad health.

I am temporarily unemployed and my financial status cannot support a home mortgage of $750 a month. I want to keep my home, avoid foreclosure, and save my credit. I would appreciate it if you could help me in avoiding foreclosure and keep my record clean. I will do whatever you suggest to help me keep my home.

I am aware of what I owe and am applying for jobs from various companies.


Tara Banks


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