Birthday Letters

Happy Birthday Love Letter


Ethan Jones

#67, Spring Blvd

San Francisco

My dear Ethan

Wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!

Ethan, you are my angel who has filled my life with love and happiness. May God fulfill all your wishes today and forever and shower his blessings on you. I think today is the perfect day to confess my love for you. This birthday, your gift for life is me.

I know you always loved me and I was a fool who was searching for love here and there. I never realized that you are so special for me. But now, that I have realized your worth, I’ll love you a lot and will never let you go.

I have planned a romantic evening for us today, so as soon as you get this letter, come to my place. I also have a very beautiful surprise for you.

Come soon dear, I am waiting for you.

The love of your life,


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