Recommendation Letters

Graduate Student Recommendation Letter

It is with enthusiasm that I write this letter of recommendation for a student in our university, Jayce Meiler. As Dean of Isler State University, I believe I am in the position to create this recommendation letter for Ms. Meiler. I believe that with her exceptional skills and admirable qualities as a student, Ms. Meiler will be a perfect candidate for your graduate program.

I feel confident in making high recommendations for Ms. Meiler since I have been a witness to her ability to maintain above average grades while being active in school politics and extra-curricular activities. Ms. Meiler possesses the unique ability to perform multi-tasking, handle time efficiently and produce top-quality results.

Ms. Meiler was an active volunteer in a non-profit organization in the campus that provides free tutorial catering to the needs of those students who are behind in academic performance. She has proven her dedication in touching and changing the lives of others through her knowledge, skills and honest efforts.

Admitting her in your fine institution will aid in he blossoming of her academic dreams. On the other hand, your institution will gain a bright, responsible and exemplary pupil.


Ms. Simone Dre

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