Complaint Letters

Complaint Letters

The purpose of a complaint letter is to bring your grievance to the notice of the concerned party so that corrective action can be taken wherever possible.  While writing a complaint letter, it is important to address it to the right department.  If the letter does not reach the right people then the purpose is defeated.  Similarly, you must include your contact details as well.

Complaint letters need not be strong worded and rude.  It is more effective to put forth your complaint in a firm yet polite tone.  It is also a good idea to suggest what kind of remedial action you would like the concerned party to take.

State your complaint in a simple and concise manner backing up your case with photocopies of receipts or other relevant documents.  Stick to the facts and avoid sweeping statements deriding everything in general.  Keep the letters to the point and short.

Tact can achieve what sarcasm and rudeness cannot.  So, try and include a couple of positive points as well along with your complaint.  This is sure to act as a balm to the bruised ego and your complaint would be taken in the right spirit.

Sample Complaint Letter

Complaint Letter Format

Complaint Letter Template

Formal Complaint Letter

Customer Complaint Letter

Business Complaint Letter

Employee Complaint Letter

Restaurant Complaint Letter

Holiday Complaint Letter

Consumer Complaint Letter

Landlord Complaint Letter

Complaint Letter to Bank

Complaint Letter on a Training Course

Poor Customer Service

Response to Complaint Letter

Training Course Complaint Letter

Item Defect Complaint Letter

News Article Complaint Letter

Client complaint letter

Tenant complaint letter

Service complaint letter

Delivery complaint letter

Teacher complaint letter

Boss complaint letter

Staff complaint letter

Funny Complaint Letter

Complaint Letter Example

Hotel Complaint Letter

Reply Complaint Letter

Police Complaint Letter

Drafting Complain Letter

Complaint Letter to The Head of The Society

Complaint Letter by Teacher to Parents

Complaint to School Letter

Complaint Against Poor Service Letter

Responding to Complaint Letter

Neighbour Complaint Letter

Harassment Complaint Letter

Product Complaint Letter

Complaint letter to Higher Authorities

Colleague Complaint Letter

Complaint Letter Form

Complaint Letter to Airline

Complaint Letter to Human Resources

Noise Complaint Letter

Customer Service Complaint Letter

Free Complaint Letter

Follow Up Complaint Letter

Billing Complaint Letter

Contractor Complaint Letter

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